Karel Doing


Expanded Cinema
dub plate
live performance
19 minutes, 2018

Close Up Film Centre (London)
Early Monthly Segments (Toronto)
Baltic Analog Lab (Riga)
AVANT (Kristinehamn)
Iklectik (London)
Independent Film Show (Napoli)


Symbiogenesis consists of a series of repetitive and rhythmical musings on nature and culture, often superimposing the two.

16mm projection is combined with live sound, a layering of optical (found) tracks, a specially prepared dub plate and sounds produced live (voice and percussive instruments).

The title derives from the work of Lynn Margulis and to her notion that the convergence of species – rather than their divergence – is driving evolution. Similarly, the performance integrates a set of elemental images and sounds that come to life through layering and repetition.