Karel Doing |
Ruins and Resilience: the Longevity of Experimental Film
In Ruins and Resilience the author weaves autobiographical elements and critical reviews together with his wide ranging interdisciplinary approach, reflecting on his own practice by positioning key works within the context of a vibrant and international experimental film scene.
Karel Doing
Goldsmiths Press |
Experimental Film Practice and the Biosphere
In contemporary experimental cinema posthumanism and new materialism have had a profound impact on the thinking and practice of moving image artists. Increasingly, practitioners have started to explore points of view beyond the human by focusing on subjects such as animals, plants, rocks, and energy transfer.
The Palgrave Handbook of Experimental Cinema
Edited by Kim Knowles & Jonathan Walley |
Faire pousser les images
The concept of 'growing' image is explored within the context of artisanal film and photography practice in an article written in collaboration with Elio Della Noce, a researcher, teacher in film studies, filmmaker and poet.
Hors champ
Online journal on cinema |
Cinema and the Prefigurative
Prefiguration is a term borrowed from political science, describing the experimentation with alternative ways of living, doing and being together in the present as a form of activism. Cinema can be a powerful tool to express and support prefigurative objectives.
Culture Unbound
Linköping University Electronic Press |
Tobacco: a mass of atoms, a biofactory, and a generous friend
A short inquiry into meaning-making in art and science in the context of the Newcotiana project that aims to employ Tobacco plants for the production of health related substances such as vaccines and antibodies. The text is accompanied by a visual essay.
Grain & Noise: Artists in Synthetic Biology Labs
Transcript |
Les réalités désordonnées du cinéma multispécifique
By embracing the 'untidy' a different perception of nature becomes possible, functioning beyond human projections of order. Experimental film has long embraced such imperfections. By building on this legacy an idiom emerges that is suitable for expressing multi-natural points of view. In particular, the use of organic chemistry breaks ground.
Expanded Nature
Lightcone Editions |
Ecology, Ethics and the Unintelligible
A transatlantic conversation between Francisca Duran and Karel Doing in which they explore the roots of their filmmaking praxis and shared interest in ecocinema.
Film Talks: 15 Conversations on Experimental Cinema
Contact |

Rewilding Photography
An essay about the plant based origins of photographic developer and the resurgence of this practice in contemporary photography and film. The full text can be found in the catalogue that was published to document 'Fabric of Photography' an exhibition focused on the work of contemporary artist who are inspired by the pioneering historical processes and physicality of photography.
Fabric of Photography
Photo Oxford

Landscape in the Age of Accelerated Ecocide
This article looks at representations of landscape in literature, painting and film investigating the role of sound, time and material. The word 'landscape' itself refers to a manmade and objectified understanding of our natural surroundings. Within this short exploration, I am aiming to look at representations of 'land' that relinquish agency to more-than-human forces or voices.
Moving Image Artists Journal
Issue 2

Phytograms: Rebuilding Human-Plant Affiliations
This article proposes the phytogram, an image made by using the internal chemistry of plants in conjunction with photographic emulsion. First, a theoretical framework is set out, drawing inspiration from structural/materialist film theory, biosemiotics and perspectivism.
Animation, an interdisciplinary journal
15(1), pp. 22–36.
Ambient Poetics and Critical Posthumanism in Expanded Cinema
Posthumanism is a contested term, seen by some as leading towards a merging of human bodies and technology and by others, more critically, as a renewal of the ethical debate regarding human exceptionalism. Following this critical approach a set of propositions is sought. Drawing together multiple elements, new knowledge emerges regarding the expression of critical posthumanism by means of expanded cinema.
UAL Research Online
PhD Thesis 198 pages: creative commons download |
Towards a Post-materialist Practice in Expanded Cinema
Structural/materialist film and expanded cinema, as practiced within the United Kingdom, found their origins within the ‘London Filmmakers’ Co-op’. This article argues that structural/materialist practice has evolved and while some of the original pre-occupations leading towards this type of work remain, others have changed significantly.
Journal of Arts Writing by Students
3 (1-2),
pp. 79-89
Experimental Films from the Lowlands - DVD compilation and booklet
In 1989 Studio één foundation was created by three fellow art students aiming to provide artist with the means to work on Super8 and 16mm film. This DVD edition includes works of various artists who had a main role in the early years of Studio één : Karel Doing, Ania Rachmat, Luk Sponselee, Joost Rekveld, Joost van Veen & Roel van der Maaden, Frank Bruinsma, Barbara Meter, Francien van Everdingen, Marc Geerards and Anet van de Elzen.
Re:Voir |
Neuf Jouets Optiques CD-ROM (Sold Out)
An interactive sound and image installation at your disposal. The CD-ROM started with material from the performance Rotary Factory. Black&white super8mm filmloops and mechanical music are translated to a digital environment.
CD-ROM (mac/pc)
Images: Karel Doing / Sounds: Pierre Bastien
Programming: Boudewijn Ridder en Remko van Dokkum
Edition Cactus